Judul Animasi

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Government introduces new rules for public university admission

Government introduces new rules for public university admission

  • News Desk
    News Desk
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Tue, October 23, 2018 | 02:12 pm

The Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry has set a new regulation concerning the Entrance Test for State Universities (SBMPTN), which is set to take effect next year. 
On Monday, Minister Mohammad Nasir revealed that test takers would have to follow the new rules next year, including the order of the steps in public university admissions, one of the most significant changes to the procedure. Future participants will have to take the tests before registering themselves, while previously, all SBMPTN participants needed to register themselves with the desired university before taking the test.
“The exam result will be used to registered with the university of choice,” Nasir said.
Nasir also said that the test would be organized by a new institution called the Institution of University Entrance Exams (LTMPT) starting next year.
The computer-based exam (UTBK), a part of the series of tests in the SBMPTN, will be conducted 24 times in a year. 
“The UTBK will be conducted every Saturday and Sunday,” the chief organizer of this year’s SBMPTN, Ravik Karsidi, said as quoted by kompas.com.
The ministry also planned to remove the written test (UTBC) and will only use computer-based exams in the SBMPTN. (dpk/swd)

(taken from: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/10/23/government-introduces-new-rules-for-public-university-admission.html)

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